
The Goodnestone website is run by a resident of Goodnestone for and on behalf of the community. If you wish to get in touch please use the link to the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Contributions to the website are welcome. The website is set up so that content can be created or edited easily in a web browser. This process is straightforward for pages containing text and simple formatting (like this one). The webmaster is always happy to set up pages on your behalf, simply use the contact form link at the bottom of the page.

Clubs or other communities within the parish are encouraged to have a presence on the site, whether this is a short description and contact details, or several pages including regularly updated content. You can maintain the content yourself or it can be maintained for you.

Businesses in or close to the parish providing a service to the community are also welcome to a mention or a web page. It should be noted that these should be appropriately low key, and the right is reserved to remove content if it is considered inappropriate or if negative feedback is received about the content or about the service associated with it.